Brian Christie

As more colleges make standardized tests like the SAT and ACT optional, it seems that qualitative measures are becoming increasingly important in the college admissions process. How can the Pioneer program help showcase a student's potential and merit?

Hi Brian,

Great question! We very much agree that many university admissions officers have been looking to transition more towards evaluating students based on their qualitative merits and accomplishments rather than simply considering their quantitative scores. Pioneer offers a highly acclaimed research program for high school students that helps them develop both their academic voices and their areas of scholarly interest while looking towards pursuing higher education goals. By giving our students the necessary support structures from high-caliber professors as well as from their virtual classmates, these students become better equipped to clearly identify and narrow down their academic interests. Their finalized student research projects are extremely indicative of how passionate each student is about their respective field of study and Pioneer is proud to help facilitate this growth process. Continuing, a percentage of our student papers are specially chosen to be published in our yearly Pioneer Research Journal so students have tangible evidence of their academic impact that they can showcase to universities during application seasons.

If you'd like to learn more, please check out our website at