Can you assist with providing information on, helping make a decision about a PhD engineering program in the U.S., Canada , or europe? This would include identifying prospective universities, assisting with making the best decision, helping with the application for admission to and financial aid/scholarships. The prospective student is an Ecuadorian citizen who will likely secure American, Canadian, and Spanish citizenship or permanent residency in the near future. She holds a bachelor of science degree from Massachusetts institute of technology. If you or anyone is qualified to assist in any or all of the above questions please reply. Thank you.
I can provide information on Ph.D. programs in the USA, but I do not advise on schools in Canada or Europe.
Thank you,
Lori Warren
Karen Landmann
Lori Warren
I can provide information on Ph.D. programs in the USA, but I do not advise on schools in Canada or Europe.
Thank you,
Lori Warren