Hi Jennifer, How does a counselor help a student determine their "dreams"? Thank you.
Thank you for your question. I help my students determine their career and college dreams by discussing and listening to their goals for the future. I also use career and college planning assessments to reinforce career areas of interest or colleges of best fit. I encourage students to ask a lot of questions while visiting colleges and I set them up with people in their possible career to discuss the pros and cons of each field.
Hi Jennifer, How does a counselor help a student determine their "dreams"? Thank you.
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Thank you for your question. I help my students determine their career and college dreams by discussing and listening to their goals for the future. I also use career and college planning assessments to reinforce career areas of interest or colleges of best fit. I encourage students to ask a lot of questions while visiting colleges and I set them up with people in their possible career to discuss the pros and cons of each field.